1.0 Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to state the requirements for the reservation and use of University Green Spaces.
2.0 To Whom the Policy Applies
This policy applies to all Brown University faculty, staff and students, whether as individuals or collectively as members of Brown-related organizations.
3.0 Policy Statement
The University’s Green Spaces are valuable campus resources intended for enjoyment by all. Scheduled events or activities must be in keeping with community standards of decorum and can neither result in damage to the greens nor cause undue disruption of the normal course of University life and business.
3.1 Reservations and Use Requirements
Any advertised activity, event, or gathering on Green Spaces, or any unadvertised activity with an attendance of more than 50 people, must have an approved space reservation through the University Scheduling Office and must be sponsored by a recognized student organization or academic or administrative unit. Any such use of Green Spaces without an approved space reservation is subject to disciplinary action (see Section 6.0).
Reservation requests for usage of Green Spaces require several approvals and should be submitted to the University Scheduling Office at least 14 business days prior to the use. The University Scheduling Office cannot guarantee that requests received less than 14 business days in advance will be processed in time and be approved. Approval of a request does not include any equipment or set-up; these must be arranged separately with Facilities Management Event Operations (401-863-7820). Events must not be advertised until a reservation confirmation is received from the University Scheduling Office.
Brown employees who are members of a collective bargaining unit may, as a group, request the use of a Green Space on the same terms as other recognized units or groups and subject to all University rules, standards and policies.
Commercial activity or vending by external organizations without a University contract is not permitted.
Passers-by must be able to identify the sponsoring group using the Green Space. Either the event organizers must be present, or the sponsorship must be indicated on a banner or other material.
No damage may be done to property, trees, grass, or sprinkler systems. The sponsoring student organization or academic or administrative unit is responsible for costs associated with any damages.
Because the greens can be damaged by overuse, reservations are distributed across the University’s many Green Spaces to avoid overuse of any one space. Effort is made to limit the use of the Historical Greens.
The usual length of reservation of a University green is one day for an event, but can be extended to two days by the University Scheduling Office for exhibits/displays. Any large displays need to be located away from pathways and need to be inspected and approved by Environmental Health and Safety prior to space confirmation.
No events involving encampments on Historical Greens or residential quadrangles are permitted. Recognized student organizations whose mission includes camping and/or outdoor wilderness skills may camp on other campus Green Spaces with approval from the Student Activities Office in accordance with the procedures outlined in the SAO Handbook.
3.1.1 Limits of a Reservation
Once a reservation is confirmed, no other reservation will be made for the same Green Space area without the original event organizer’s approval; however, a reservation does not guarantee that there will not be informal activities or significant levels of ambient noise in the surrounding area. The Department of Public Safety can assist if any informal activities are creating a significant disruption to an event.
3.1.2 Green Space Requests During University Events
Use of a Green Space during a major University program (e.g., Orientation, Convocation, Family Weekend, A Day on College Hill, Commencement, Reunion, etc.) must be approved as a component of that program.
3.1.3 Spaces that May Not be Reserved
Except during a major University program, the centers of the Front and College Greens, are not reservable, and events are not permitted there; exceptions may be granted by the University Scheduling Office (e.g., if a tent is required).
3.2 Respect for Neighbors and Surrounding Activities
Activities may not disrupt other scheduled events (inside or outside buildings), including classes. Sound and crowd noise from events on Green Spaces should be kept to the minimum level required for the activity at all times. All requests are reviewed for potential impact on other activities and the neighborhood.
City ordinance and University quiet hours restrict the scheduling of outdoor events after 11:59 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and after 1:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Entertainment licenses from the City of Providence are required for outdoor events with sound amplified through audio speakers.
3.2.1 Weekday Daytime Sound/Noise Considerations
On weekdays, no amplified sound or high levels of noise is permitted prior to 5:00 p.m. on the College or Front Greens. With a reservation, amplified sound is permitted on weekdays from noon to 1:00 p.m.; however, if any noise complaints are received, the sound must be immediately turned off. Noise complaints should be directed to the Department of Public Safety.
3.3 Clean-up
Clean-up must be assured and completed.
3.4 Vehicle Access
Traffic, including emergency vehicle access, may not be impeded. No damage may be done to the property, trees, grass, or sprinkler systems. The sponsoring student organization or academic or administrative unit is responsible for costs associated with any damages.
3.5 Adherence to University Policies
Any person requesting the use of a Green Space for a purpose that could, in any way, be construed as political activity or protest or demonstration must review the Political Activity Policy and the Protest and Demonstration Policy and confirm that the event will conform with these policies.
All activities in any University-owned or University-leased spaces, including greens, must abide by the University Code of Conduct. Events that have the potential for disruption are subject to the Event Disruption Protocol.
4.0 Definitions
- Green Space:
Any University-owned or University-leased outdoor space excluding Athletics fields, which are governed by Athletics usage policies.
- Historical Greens:
Ruth J. Simmons Quadrangle (commonly referred to as Simmons Quad), the College Green (commonly referred to as the Main Green), and the Front Green (commonly referred to as the Quiet Green).
5.0 Responsibilities
All individuals to whom this policy applies are responsible for becoming familiar with and following this policy. University supervisors and employees with student oversight duties are responsible for promoting the understanding of this policy and for taking appropriate steps to help ensure and enforce compliance with it.
6.0 Consequences for Violating this Policy
Failure to comply with this and related policies is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension without pay, or termination of employment or association with the University, in accordance with applicable (e.g., staff, faculty, student) disciplinary procedures.
7.0 Related Information
Brown University is a community in which employees are encouraged to share workplace concerns with University leadership. Additionally, Brown’s Anonymous Reporting Hotline allows anonymous and confidential reporting on matters of concern online or by phone (877-318-9184).
The following information complements and supplements this document. The information is intended to help explain this policy and is not an all-inclusive list of policies, procedures, laws and requirements.
7.1 Related Policies
7.2 Related Procedures
7.3 Related Forms
7.4 Frequently Asked Questions
7.5 Other Related Information
Policy Owner and Contact(s)
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and Vice President for Campus Life and Student Services
Policy Approved by: President
Contact Information:
Policy History
Policy Issue Date:
Policy Effective Date:
Policy Update/Review Summary:
Formatted and moved to University Policy Website on March 19, 2024
Webpage Updated: August 21, 2024