1.0 Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy (Code) is to outline conduct requirements of Varsity Student-Athletes and to establish the Division of Athletics and Recreation’s (Athletics and Recreation) authority regarding conduct-related matters as they relate to varsity sport participation. This policy complements the Code of Student Conduct and supports holistic student-athlete development by approaching conduct through an educational, rehabilitative and discipline lens when appropriate.
2.0 To Whom the Policy Applies
This policy applies to Varsity Student-Athletes (Athletes), coaches, and administrative staff in Athletics and Recreation.
3.0 Policy Statement
Participation in varsity intercollegiate athletics at Brown University is a privilege extended to select undergraduate students. Accordingly, Athletes are expected, at all times, to uphold high standards of integrity, behavior and conduct that reflect well upon them individually, their coaches, their teammates, Athletics and Recreation, and the University as a whole.
Each individual Varsity Student-Athlete is accountable for their own actions, and all members of the Athletics and Recreation community are collectively accountable for upholding the standards of behavior set forth in this Code and for compliance with all applicable laws, policies, standards, and regulations that govern athletics participation.
The following are the primary standards that Athletes must uphold.
3.1 Treating Each Other with Respect and Dignity
Athletics and Recreation is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive environment free from discrimination and harassment. University policies and expectations are upheld and supported, including the central commitment that each community member must treat other community members fairly and with respect and dignity. Bullying behavior, Hazing, interpersonal violence, and retaliation, among other behaviors and actions, will not be tolerated.
3.2 Compliance with University Policies, Guidelines and Community Standards
Athletes are visible members of the University community and must uphold all community standards and applicable University policies as a requirement for participation in varsity intercollegiate athletics.
3.2.1 Compliance with the Code of Student Conduct
Athletes must comply with the Code of Student Conduct and all policies referenced therein. The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS) and Athletics and Recreation will share conduct-related information, as applicable. In addition to reporting responsibility standards outlined in this Code, OSCCS will share conduct-related information and data, including findings of responsibility, outcomes, sanctions, and conduct that, if investigated and corroborated, may result in probation with restrictions, suspension, and expulsion. Likewise, Athletics and Recreation will report conduct to OSCCS to determine whether a violation of the Code of Student Conduct has occurred.
3.2.2 Hazing
Athletes must comply with the Hazing Policy. Varsity athletics teams whose members engage in Hazing will be held accountable as a team. Individual team members, advisors and coaches of varsity athletics teams may also be held accountable for Hazing, including for knowingly permitting prohibited activities to occur without taking reasonable preventative measures, in accordance with the Hazing Policy, Code of Student Conduct, University Code of Conduct, and any other applicable policies or laws as an individual, even if they did not administer the Hazing activity.
3.3 Acting with Integrity
3.3.1 Compliance with Associated Reviews and Investigations
Athletes must comply with all Athletics and Recreation, University, Ivy League, and NCAA reviews and investigations as a condition of participation. In accordance with all outlined rights and responsibilities, individual Athletes must provide accurate and truthful information.
3.3.2 Reporting Conduct Matters and Suspected and Known Violations
Individual Athletes must report conduct-related matters involving themselves, on or off-campus, that involve law enforcement and/or OSCCS outreach as soon as practicable and no later than 24 hours after the occurrence or outreach from OSCCS. Such reports may be made to a respective head coach, sport supervisor, or the Conduct Administrator.
Individuals may also report conduct or behavior involving other individuals and/or suspected Hazing to a respective head coach, sport supervisor, the Conduct Administrator, or via anonymous reporting systems (RealResponse or the University’s Anonymous Reporting Hotline).
4.0 Definitions
For the purpose of this policy, the terms below have the following definitions:
Conduct Administrator: Individual identified annually by the Vice President for Athletics and Recreation that is responsible for executing this Code, including but not limited to coordinating all Conduct Review Panel activities, serving as primary conduct contact with campus entities (e.g., OSCCS, Campus Life, Department of Public Safety, etc.) receiving, communicating, and cataloging all non-academic conduct cases administered by OSCCS.
Conduct Review Panel: A group of individuals, including the Conduct Administrator and other senior athletics administrators, designated by the Vice President for Athletics and Recreation to monitor the implementation of this Code.
Hazing: An act, occurring on or off-campus, by an individual or group of individuals in connection with recruitment, initiation, rite of passage, or membership in a fraternity, sorority, University-recognized group, student organization, athletic team, or other group that subjects any other member of the University community, voluntarily, or involuntarily, to activity that (a) endangers the physical or mental and emotional health of an individual, (b) creates an atmosphere for potential or actual humiliating, intimidating, degrading, or demeaning treatment, (c) damages or removes public or private property, (d) involves the consumption of alcohol, drugs, or other substances, € compromises the academic mission and/or reputation of the University, or (f) violates any University policy.
Major Offense: Conduct or behavior that (a) results in an arrest and/or charge for a felony crime, (b) results in a Code of Student Conduct violation and discipline of probation with restrictions or higher, or (c) is deemed to be inappropriate and egregious and/or of a dangerous nature by the Vice President for Athletics and Recreation and/or the Conduct Review Panel.
Minor Offense: Conduct or behavior that (a) results in multiple Code of Student Conduct violations or (b) is deemed to be inappropriate, but not rising to the level of major violation by the Vice President for Athletics and Recreation and/or the Conduct Review Panel.
Varsity Student-Athlete: Enrolled Brown University undergraduate student who is listed on the official roster of a varsity sports team sponsored by Brown University. This status is retained during University vacation periods (e.g., summer) when classes are not in session and during periods where a student may not be an active participant, but retains team membership (e.g., study abroad, leave of absence, etc.).
5.0 Responsibilities
All individuals to whom this policy applies are responsible for becoming familiar with and following this policy. University supervisors and employees with student oversight duties are responsible for promoting the understanding of this policy and for taking appropriate steps to help ensure and enforce compliance with it.
Varsity Student-Athletes (Athletes): Acknowledge and attest to this Code annually in order to participate on a varsity athletics team.
Head Coaches: Review this Code with respective teams at least twice annually and report any conduct-related incidents to designated sport supervisor and/or the Vice President for Athletics and Recreation as soon as practicable and no later than 24 hours following notification from a Varsity Student-Athlete and/or other entity. Additionally responsible for reporting any Clery Crimes to the Department of Public Safety (DPS) and sexual misconduct to DPS and the Title IX Coordinator.
Conduct Administrator: Execute this Code, including annual education, coordination with University partners, and administration of Conduct Review Panel and provision of sanctions.
Conduct Review Panel: Review alleged Code violations, determine responsibility, and issue sanctions.
6.0 Consequences for Violating this Policy
Failure to comply with this and related policies is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension without pay, or termination of employment or association with the University, in accordance with applicable (e.g., staff, faculty, student) disciplinary procedures.
Additionally, the following discipline applies for violations of this Code as indicated below. The Conduct Review Panel may uphold, increase, or decrease specified discipline within their sole discretion.
- An arrest and/or charge for a felony crime, sports-wagering related offense and/or other Major Offenses as determined by the Vice President for Athletics and Recreation and/or the Conduct Review Panel in their sole discretion will result in an immediate suspension from all athletics-related activities (e.g., practice, competition, conditioning, meetings, and travel) pending further review.
- Major Offenses
- First Offense: Minimum suspension from 10% of athletics contests
- Second Offense: Minimum suspension from 50% of athletics contests
- Third Offense: Discretion of the Conduct Review Panel up to removal from varsity athletics team
- Minor Offenses
- First Offense: No Athletics and Recreation action, defer to head coach for any related sanction
- Second Offense: Minimum suspension from one (1) athletics contest
- Third Offense: Minimum suspension from two (2) athletics contests
- Multiple offenses of select Code of Student Conduct violations, including conduct related to off-campus housing, will result in suspension from at least 10% of athletics contests.
A Varsity Student-Athlete who receives discipline under this Code may be entitled to an appeal review and/or hearing. An appeal to challenge disciplinary action may be requested only based on the following:
- To allege a procedural error; or
- To consider additional information not available during initial review.
7.0 Related Information
Brown University is a community in which employees are encouraged to share workplace concerns with University leadership. Additionally, Brown’s Anonymous Reporting Hotline allows anonymous and confidential reporting on matters of concern online or by phone (877-318-9184).
The following information complements and supplements this document. The information is intended to help explain this policy and is not an all-inclusive list of policies, procedures, laws and requirements.
7.1 Related Policies
7.2 Related Procedures
- Student-Athlete Code of Conduct Procedures
7.3 Related Forms
- Student-Athlete Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form
7.4 Frequently Asked Questions
Examples of hazing include, but are not limited to, compulsory alcohol or drug consumption, physical brutality, psychological cruelty, public humiliation, morally degrading activities, forced confinement, creation of excessive fatigue, required removal or destruction of public or private property, or any other activity that endangers the physical, mental, academic well-being and/or safety of an individual.
Scavenger hunts can be a useful bonding and educational tool to welcome new members to campus (e.g., locating buildings and landmarks). However, scavenger hunts that include forced activities, a quest for meaningless objects or aim to ridicule participants do not contribute to a new member’s potential success on campus and are considered hazing activities. All scavenger hunt activities must be approved by a team’s respective head coach prior to the activity occurring to ensure the activity fosters a sense of community and serves an educational purpose. Failure to submit scavenger hunt activity to the head coach will result in a violation of this policy
No, conduct and associated discipline will not be reported to parent(s)/guardian(s) in accordance with University guidelines and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Yes, in accordance with this Code, both University and Athletics and Recreation conduct and disciplinary information will be shared with respective varsity sport head coaches.
Maybe. Eligibility to compete may be impacted by conduct if a student-athlete has been disqualified or suspended from the institution (as opposed to one of the institution’s teams) for disciplinary (as opposed to academic) reasons. The NCAA Transfer Portal requires institutions to report such conduct for outgoing transfer student-athletes. Additionally, some institutions and/or conferences may also require additional information related to conduct, including, but not limited to general student conduct and Title IX.
7.5 Other Related Information
Policy Owner and Contact(s)
Policy Owner: Vice President, Division of Athletics and Recreation
Policy Approved by: President
Contact Information:
Policy History
Policy Issue Date:
Policy Effective Date:
Policy Update/Review Summary: