University Policies
Policy Contact
Deputy Chief Information Officer Email 401-863-7558

Sponsored ID Management Policy

Policy No. Issue Date Effective Date

1.0 Policy Purpose

The Sponsored ID program provides limited access and services to approved Brown University partners, collaborators and vendors, who do not otherwise receive access to Brown University resources or formal Brown University credentials. This Sponsored ID Management Policy (Policy) defines requirements for requesting and management of Sponsored ID identities.

2.0 To Whom the Policy Applies

This policy applies to faculty and staff who request, Sponsor, or manage Sponsored IDs. Specifically, this includes:

  • All faculty and staff who are Sponsors of Sponsored IDs;
  • Departmental Identity Administrators (DIAs) who request Sponsored IDs;
  • The Brown Card Office (BCO) who is responsible for processing Sponsored IDs;
  • The Office of Information Technology (OIT) who is responsible for maintaining Sponsored ID data; and
  • Service Owners for the services provided to Sponsored IDs.

In addition, this policy applies to those people who access Brown services through a Sponsored ID.

3.0 Policy Statement

3.1 Overview of Sponsored IDs

Sponsored IDs allow an existing Brown University faculty or staff member to take responsibility for extending a limited and specific set of University services to a partner, collaborator, or vendor who would not otherwise have Brown University credentials or access to those services. Sponsored ID credentials are for the Sponsored ID Holder only and may not be shared with anyone else. Since these services incur cost to the University, those requesting Sponsored IDs  must select the minimum necessary services that the Sponsored ID Holder needs to perform their role in collaboration with the University. In addition, information technology security requirements must be addressed in extending access to University services.

3.2 Eligibility

To be eligible for a Sponsored ID, an individual must have an express need for access to services in support of the University’s mission.

3.3 Requesting Sponsored ID credentials

Active faculty and staff may request Sponsored ID credentials for eligible individuals by contacting their designated Departmental Identity Administrator (DIA). The faculty or staff member requesting the Sponsored ID credentials will be recorded as the Sponsor of the Sponsored ID, and will determine the services that are required. Sponsors may not themselves be Sponsored ID Holder (e.g. clinical faculty).

DIAs are the only individuals who are permitted to initiate a Sponsored ID credential request. DIAs are granted access to a Sponsored ID request form which initiates the generation of a Sponsored ID  and requests specific services. The Sponsored ID request form allows selection of a specified set of services, and services not on this list will not be given to Sponsored ID Holders. Submitted requests will be processed by the Brown Card Office and reviewed for completeness prior to processing. The Brown Card Office will perform matching against existing identities to ensure that the possibility of duplicate identities for a single individual is minimized.

Selected services may require additional review by the Service Owner. These services will be clearly distinguished on the Sponsored ID request form and may require the Sponsors and the DIA to supply additional information for granting of these services. Service Owners will review the requests and may allow or deny the requests. Any disagreement regarding the granting of services to Sponsored ID Candidates will be the decision of the Senior Officer/Administrator of the department providing the service.

3.4 Management of Sponsored ID credentials

Sponsored ID credentials may not be requested for a duration of greater than one year. Annually, DIAs must request renewal of a Sponsored ID Holder’s credentials. At any time, DIAs may also submit requests for the addition or removal of specific services granted to an active Sponsored ID  

When the Sponsor of a Sponsored ID terminates employment with the University, the Sponsored ID Holder’s credentials will be terminated if a new Sponsor is not named within 30 days.

3.5 Termination of Sponsored ID credentials

The University may terminate a Sponsored ID credential at any time. The Sponsored ID credentials will be terminated after one year if not renewed. However, if the Sponsored ID Holder has ended the relationship with the University prior to the one-year mark, the DIA will immediately request termination of services.

4.0 Definitions

For the purpose of this policy, the terms below have the following definitions:

Departmental Identity Administrators (DIAs):

A subset of administrators in departments who have access to request Sponsored IDs.

Service Owner:

A staff member or team of staff members responsible for the operation and security of a specific service.


A faculty or staff member who is primarily responsible for the relationship between the University and the Sponsored ID Holder.

Sponsored ID:

A Sponsored ID provides credentials and access to selected Brown services for individuals who are not regular students, faculty or staff at Brown.

Sponsored ID Candidate:

A person for whom a Sponsored ID has been requested, but not yet granted.

Sponsored ID Holder:

A person who has been granted a Sponsored ID.

5.0 Responsibilities

All individuals to whom this policy applies are responsible for becoming familiar with and following this policy. University supervisors are responsible for promoting the understanding of this policy and for taking appropriate steps to help ensure compliance with it.

Sponsored ID Holder:

  • Provide adequate identification information including: First and last name, address, personal email address, date of birth, and phone number.
  • Identify to the Sponsor if there is a previous relationship with the University.
  • Agree to all applicable University policies, procedures, and rules.


  • Supply required identifying information for the Sponsored ID Candidate to the DIA as well as information about any prior relationships to the University.
  • Request only those services which are required for the Sponsored ID Candidate’s support of the University’s mission.
  • Accept responsibility for the Sponsored ID Holder’s use of University services.
  • Notify the DIA at the time of Sponsored ID renewal to affirm that the Sponsored ID Holder should be renewed or have services terminated.
  • Notify the DIA immediately if the Sponsored ID Holder no longer requires previously requested services for the support of the University’s mission and reclaim the Brown ID card when one has been  issued to the Sponsored ID Holder.

Departmental Identity Administrator (DIA):

  • Provide complete and accurate information regarding each Sponsored ID request.
  • Process terminations, extensions and service modifications promptly.
  • When a Sponsor of a Sponsored ID Holder terminates employment with the University, promptly name a new Sponsor for the Sponsored ID.
  • Promptly respond to annual renewal requests.
  • Successfully complete annual certification and training process.

Brown Card Office:

  • Review and process Sponsored ID requests.
  • Perform matching analysis to avoid generation of duplicate identities.
  • Process terminations.

Office of Information Technology:

  • When a DIA leaves the University, promptly remove the DIA’s access to the Sponsored ID request form and assign all active requests for the department to another assigned DIA.
  • Perform quarterly audits of Sponsored ID Holders and Sponsors to identify any anomalies including, but not limited to, invalid expiration dates duplicate identity records and ineligible Sponsors.
  • Perform annual certification and training process for DIAs.

Service Owners:

  • Evaluate service requests and approve or deny requests promptly.
  • Honor licensing agreements when granting services.

6.0 Consequences for Violating this Policy

Failure to comply with this and related policies is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension without pay, or termination of employment or association with the University, in accordance with applicable (e.g., staff, faculty, student) disciplinary procedures, or for non-employees may result in the suspension or revocation of the third party’s relationship with the University.

Discipline includes but is not limited to the following:

  • For Sponsored ID Holders - termination of Sponsored ID credentials;
  • For Departmental Identity Administrators - revocation of privileges to request and manage Sponsored IDs; or
  • For Sponsors – Revocation of privilege to sponsor Sponsored IDs.

Individuals are also subject to federal, state, and local laws governing many interactions that occur on the Internet. These policies and laws are subject to change as state and federal laws develop and change.

7.0 Related Information

Brown University is a community in which employees are encouraged to share workplace concerns with University leadership. Additionally, Brown’s Anonymous Reporting Hotline allows anonymous and confidential reporting on matters of concern online or by phone (877-318-9184).

The following information complements and supplements this document. The information is intended to help explain this policy and is not an all-inclusive list of policies, procedures, laws and requirements.

7.2 Related Procedures


7.3 Related Forms


7.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Policy Owner and Contact(s)

Policy Owner: Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

Policy Approved by: President

Contact Information:

Deputy Chief Information Officer Email 401-863-7558

Policy History

Policy Issue Date:

Policy Effective Date:

Policy Update/Review Summary:



Website Updated February 7, 2023