1.0 Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that, if Brown University (University) continues to compensate Brown University Personnel during Unexpected and Extraordinary Circumstances, it may do so regardless of source of funds. This policy ratifies the University’s practice that has been in effect since March 14, 2020.
2.0 To Whom the Policy Applies
This policy applies to all Brown University Personnel.
3.0 Policy Statement
During an Unexpected and Extraordinary Circumstance, if the University, at its sole discretion, continues compensating Brown University Personnel, it may do so regardless of source of funds.
This policy includes all forms of compensation such as, but not limited to, financial aid, stipends, and salary and fringe benefits. The amount, form, source, and duration of this compensation shall be determined by the University and may be changed at any time.
4.0 Definitions
For the purpose of this policy, the terms below have the following definitions:
- Brown University Personnel:
Brown University employees (including faculty, staff, and student employees), graduate assistants, postdoctoral scholars, and other individuals deemed appropriate by the University.
- Unexpected and Extraordinary Circumstance:
A situation that includes, but is not limited to, the following: natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes that causes damage or loss of life; declared public health emergencies; national, Rhode Island, or Providence states of emergency; and situations that significantly impact or alter the normal operations of the University.
5.0 Responsibilities
All individuals to whom this policy applies are responsible for becoming familiar with and following this policy. University supervisors are responsible for promoting the understanding of this policy and for taking appropriate steps to help ensure compliance with it.
6.0 Consequences for Violating this Policy
Failure to comply with this and related policies is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension without pay, or termination of employment or association with the University, in accordance with applicable (e.g., staff, faculty, student) disciplinary procedures.
7.0 Related Information
This policy is not a legal document. This policy does not confer a term of employment, nor is the language intended to establish a contract of employment, express or implied, between any employee and Brown University. The University reserves the right to change, amend or terminate any of its human resources policies at any time for any reason.
Brown University is a community in which employees are encouraged to share workplace concerns with University leadership. Additionally, Brown’s Anonymous Reporting Hotline allows anonymous and confidential reporting on matters of concern online or by phone (877-318-9184).
The following information complements and supplements this document. The information is intended to help explain this policy and is not an all-inclusive list of policies, procedures, laws, and requirements.
7.1 Related Policies
7.2 Related Procedures
7.3 Related Forms
7.4 Frequently Asked Questions
7.5 Other Related Information
Policy Owner and Contact(s)
Policy Owner: Vice President for Research; Vice President for Human Resources; Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Approved by: Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Contact Information:
Policy History
Policy Issue Date:
Policy Effective Date:
Policy Update/Review Summary: